aSearch.INFO 6.15

aSearch.INFO 6.15

aSearch.INFO is the perfect searcher for professionals
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6.15.3 See all
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Virus Free award

The searcher for professionals. By means of technology Albero, search of the necessary information on the Internet becomes simple and fast. You can search at once on several searchers and use their expanded possibilities. To make algorithms of a way of search, to change a search direction in a word.

Simple and intuitively clear interface. Skins will help to arrange the program under itself. You can exchange the servers and skins through the online-catalogue.

Set of options of the program will help to work with any searcher and with its any expansions. And in parallel to find some inquiries.

The program deletes all scripts and tegs from results of search. Also represents them in the form of the pure text. It interferes with penetration of a harmful code.

Algorithms of the program are protected from failures as internal and external.



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